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Sharp increase in demand for our protective eyewear during the Coronavirus lockdown

coronavirus eye protection dust blocking goggles eye protection coronavirus garden hay fever itchy eyes photophobia sunglasses stop itchy eyes wind blocking glasses

There has been a sharp upsurge in demand for our protective eyewear during the Coronavirus lockdown. We look here at the possible reasons behind it.

We expect an increase at this time of year as more people get outdoors and require eye protection. However, since the start of the Coronavirus lockdown this has been more marked as more people than usual are getting out in their gardens or going for their daily approved exercise - whatever the weather.

And they are seeking to maximise their enjoyment of being outdoors, whether at home in the garden, or out and about in their local area.

This has moved the purchase of protective eyewear from a "nice to have" to a necessity for more people.

Coronavirus protection

It has never been so important to avoid rubbing your eyes as during the Coronavirus pandemic.

man rubbing his eyes because they are itchy

According to respected medical experts, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted from a person's hands to the mucous membranes in the eyelids when they rub their eyes. See for example the recent article in the Lancet on this topic. It can also be transmitted to the eyes if they come into contact with infectious airborne droplets.

If you suffer from hay fever, dry eye syndrome, blepharitis, dust allergy, or any other reason why your eyes feel itchy and sore, then wearing our glasses not only takes away the itch but also physically stops you from touching your eyes with your hands as well as blocking infected respiratory particles from transmitting the virus to you.

Protection from pollen

The warm, sunny weather has brought a high pollen count - particularly Birch pollen - which is currently causing misery to a lot of hay fever sufferers. One of the unpleasant symptoms of hay fever is sore, inflamed, itchy eyes.

itchy and inflamed eyes

Our glasses and sunglasses with pollen-blocking gaskets stop the itching fast.

hay fever sunglasses

Blocking the sun's glare

Many people suffer from excessive sensitivity to sunlight, a condition called photophobia. When the sun is unbroken as it has been in the recent warm, dry spell, the glare can be too painful to allow sufferers of this condition to get out and about.

sunglasses with blackout shields

Our dark tinted lenses twinned with wraparound sunglasses with 7eye AirShield blackout gasket block the glare, including sunlight penetrating around the periphery of the sunglasses. Wearing them can make getting out on very bright days comfortable and enjoyable again.

Protecting your eyes from dust and flying debris

If you are gardening, particularly in dry weather, it can be very dusty, especially when you are using power tools such as a strimmer, lawn mover, or hedge trimmer.

protective goggles for gardening

There is also an even more dangerous hazard - the risk of flying debris being propelled into your eyes and damaging them. Our protective glasses with gaskets keep out the dust and the debris, enabling you to keep gardening safely. 

They will also protect your eyes when you are cycling, for example if you encounter a bramble or if a stone is kicked up by the wheels.

woman wearing 7eye AirShield cycling goggles

Why not try our glasses now? With our free returns it has never been easier

There has never been a better time to buy our glasses especially as we are offering FREE RETURNS till the end of April. It has never been easier to buy with no risk.

Here's a good place to start: Read our product overview

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