This feedback was posted by a wearer of our Body Specs flexible goggles on our Facebook page.
"I would like to share some of my experiences after having tested three pairs of Moisture chamber spectacles from Eyewear Accessories.
Since I have to use eye-drops extremely frequently, it is quite a big practical problem for me to live an ordinary life by using eye-drops alone. According to my eye doctor (specialized in dry eye problems) such a frequent dropping is seriously threatening the microbiological balance / health on the surface of the eyes.
By using these goggles I have been able to reduce my eye-drop frequency by more than 50%.
I think it would be great if this information could make life easier for other people in my situation. Because it doesn't seem to be a common knowledge even among the eye doctors I have been to."
New alternative to Body Specs goggles
We no longer sell Body Specs goggles.
However, we now sell a product called Eyeseals 4.0 which is designed to moisturise your eyes when you are sleeping.
These goggles could also be worn at home if you need really effective moisture chambers. They are more effective at stopping evaporation of tear moisture than the Body Specs goggles and you would be able to reduce the frequency of using eye drops by more than 50%.