Comparison between different brands of eye cup
Here we explain the main differences between the eye cups in our different eyewear ranges.
Note: the eye cups used in our range of glasses cannot be fitted or customised to any other glasses or sunglasses.
7eye AirShield
- Thick AirShield gasket provides maximum levels of protection from wind, dust, and pollen
- Contains filtered vents to reduce fogging
- Made from smooth textured silicone rubber. There is no latex material in the foam.
- Hardly visible on frames with darker tinted lenses but is obvious with clear lenses
- Removable and replaceable (on all models except the Chubasco)
Ziena silicone eye cup
- Soft-feel silicone eye cup
- Less visible than the AirShield when wearing dry eye glasses with clear lenses
- Peripheral vision is less good than 7eye AirShield or Body Specs, so we do not recommend using it for driving or cycling
- Comfortable to wear, and made from medical grade, hypoallergenic materials
- Removable for cleaning and replaceable
- Suitable for dry eye and hay fever sufferers
* For high speed activities where there is substantial windage, for example motorcycling, kit car driving, skiing, or sailing, we recommend the Airshield type of eye cup.
Ziena glasses are also available with a black eye cup
If you are sensitive to bright sunshine, you can buy Ziena glasses with the soft silicone eye shield in a dark colour so that it will block out peripheral glare, as illustrated below.