7eye AirShield range overview
To help you select the most suitable 7eye glasses for your face size and shape, this page describes each model in the AirShield range in order of increasing size.
Click here if you prefer to see a video guide to the 7eye AirShield range.
Chubasco (Small)

- Smallest fit in the AirShield series
- Suitable for adults with small faces, teenage children, narrow faces
- Fixed AirShield eye cup
- Small lens size makes it well suited to fitting with prescription lenses
See product details: Chubasco Gloss black
Churada (Small to medium)
- Small to medium fitting glasses with removable AirShield
- Suitable for adults with narrow faces
- Excellent side protection from the wind
- Small lens size makes it well suited to fitting with prescription lenses
See product details: Churada Gloss Black, Churada Tortoiseshell
Ventus (Small to medium)
- One of the more recent models to be introduced
- Well styled and deservedly popular
- Better peripheral vision than either the Churada or the Briza
- Small to medium fitting, and slightly narrower fitting than the Cape
- Normally the best choice if you have a relatively narrow face
- You can bend the ends of the arms / ear rests into place to suit your head shape
See product details: Ventus Gloss Black, Ventus Tortoiseshell
Cape (Medium)
- Most popular model in the AirShield series which tends to fit most people well
- If in doubt about which model to order, we recommend you go for this product
- Adjustable arms allow you to alter the closeness of fit for maximum protection
See product details: Cape Gloss Black, Cape Tortoiseshell, Cape Charcoal
Panhead (Medium to Large)
- Similar in shape and features to the Ventus but a wider fit
- Best choice for wider, flatter foreheads and Asian face shape
- Best in the AirShield series for peripheral vision
- You can bend the ends of the arms / ear rests to suit your head shape
See product details: Panhead Gloss Black
Not sure which product to buy?
We recommend that you buy two different models so that you can compare the fit.
You can then return whichever glasses fit you less well.
If you would like to get advice on your choice of glasses, you are welcome to call or email us. See Contact us for details.