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Our dry eye blog — sunglasses for hayfever

Stop the itch! Get prepared for the hay fever season by getting pollen blocking glasses now

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The spring like weather is already hiking up the tree pollen count and now is the time to act if you suffer from itchy eyes due to hay fever.

birch trees are a common source of tree pollen

All the signs are there for high levels of grass pollen this year, after the ample rain we have experienced during the last couple of months has given the plants a boost.

grass pollen

If you suffer from itchy eyes when the pollen count is high, you will know how uncomfortable and distracting it can be, especially if...

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Why are my eyes more itchy in the evening during the hay fever season?

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Most people with hay fever suffer most from itchy eyes in the mid-morning and early evening because that is when pollen levels are usually at their highest.

why are my eyes more itchy in the evening

Worse on warm, breezy days

Other factors that affect when and how much you suffer from pollen allergy include the temperature and wind speed. Most people suffer most acutely from itchy eyes during the grass pollen season, especially when the weather is warm and dry and there is a breeze causing the pollen to blow around.

Where you are affects your risk...

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