Our dry eye blog — dry eyes in the office
PC or mobile - which is better for your eyes?
anti-glare computer lenses computer vision syndrome dry eye relief dry eyes at work dry eyes in the office dry eyes mobile dry eyes PC eye strain mobile vs pc screen PC versus mobile screens

We when we focus on a PC screen for any length of time, our eyes get fixated by the digital display and our blink rate drops to a very low level. This soon leads to dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision.
OK, so far that's accepted scientific fact. But what about using a mobile? Is that better for your eyes than viewing a PC screen? Is it less likely to cause or exacerbate dry eye conditions?
Mobiles can be just as harsh...
Are there computer glasses available for dry eyes?
computer glasses for dry eyes computer screen dry eyes computers dry eyes dry eyes computer dry eyes computer use dry eyes in the office moisture chamber glasses moisture chamber spectacles
Wearing moisture chamber glasses can help reduce the symptoms of dry eyes associated with computer use.
These special glasses have a protective eye cup that creates separate moisture chambers around your eyes. Wearing them can help to reduce the evaporation of tear moisture, so you can continue to work at your computer screen more comfortably.
Why do I suffer from dry eyes when using the computer?
If you work with computers for any prolonged period of time, you are likely to have experienced sore, dry eyes, especially if you work in...
Suffering from dry eyes in the office? Look at these new Ziena computer glasses
computer glasses dry eyes air conditioning dry eyes in the office hay fever glasses moisture chamber glasses moisture chamber spectacles natural alternative to eye drops Ziena Eyewear Ziena glasses
Do you work in an air-conditioned office and spend a large part of your day in front of a computer screen? If so, the chances are that you will experience tired, dry eyes through the combination of the dry atmosphere and all that screen gazing.
The new Ziena computer glasses with their discreet silicone eye shields will help to insulate your eyes and reduce the evaporation of tears. They look stylish and are comfortable to wear.
This type of specialised eyewear is called moisture chamber glasses and is a proven, natural alternative...